There are many ways to go about becoming information literate. In our library, we will be using Michael Eisenberg and Bob Berkowitz' Big6 information problem-solving model, which is the most widely know and used method in K-12 schools around the world. This six step method can be used over and over again to solve all kinds of information seeking tasks.
Successful information problem-solving encompasses six stages:
1. Task Definition
1.1 Define the information problem1.2 Identify information needed
2. Information Seeking Strategies
2.1 Determine all possible sources2.2 Select the best sources
3. Location and Access
3.1 Locate sources (intellectually and physically)3.2 Find information within sources
4. Use of Information
4.1 Engage (e.g., read, hear, view, touch)4.2 Extract relevant information
5. Synthesis
5.1 Organize from multiple sources5.2 Present the information
6. Evaluation
6.1 Judge the product (effectiveness)6.2 Judge the process (efficiency)
Whether someone realizes it or not, we all go through these stages when seeking out information. It's important to remember that we do not need to go through these steps in a linear way. You might find that you go back and forth through these stages until the process is complete.
Work Cited
Eisenburg, M. (n.d.). Big6 Skills Overview. Retrieved February 10, 2015, from
Michael Eisenberg Vodcast #1- What is information literacy? [Motion picture]. (2010). United States. Retrieved from
Viva la Library (The Information Literacy Song) [Motion picture]. (2013). United States. Retrieved from
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